Residential Care
Our goal is to provide the highest standard care while maintaining a comfortable and homely environment. We aspire to develop and maintain our reputation in the care home market place for delivering high quality and cost effective care. This Home believes in creating a relaxed, welcoming and comfortable atmosphere where individual Service Users are treated with respect, dignity love and compassion by a well-trained, highly motivated professional staff who are aware of its legal, ethical and moral duties. Fern Leaf Care strives to preserve and maintain the dignity, individuality and privacy of all our Service Users within a warm, loving and caring atmosphere, and in doing so are sensitive to our Service Users ever-changing needs. Such needs may be Psychological, spiritual, emotional and social. Our Service Users are encouraged to participate in the development of their individual care plans in which the involvements of families and friends input is greatly valued.
Fern leaf care is staffed by trained and experienced care workers, backed up with appropriate ancillary staff.
The management team consist of an operations Manager who currently holds Diploma in health and social care.
The aim of staff is to help each resident to lead as independent a life as possible.
There are always a number of staff on duty throughout the day and night according to the needs of the service users we also have On-Call services that is available 24hrs.